Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Microsoft Windows Azure Cloud Platform

Microsoft joins the cloud party with an offering to compete with that of's EC2, Google's App Engine and others. The broad initiative enables developers to use the skills they possess with Visual Studio to create applications for Windows Azure. The strategy also taps Microsoft's increasing data center capacity.

You can try it now.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cool Apps for Android

Will android beat iPhone?


Internet usage on mobile devices has dramatically increased since 2007. This proliferation is the result of a rapid increase in processor power, improvements in network connectivity and reductions in the costs of mobile computing. Many mobile devices now include the same or similar Web browsing software as desktop computers. As a consequence, mobile device users expect access to the World Wide Web anytime, anywhere and from any device.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Introducing Geode

You’ve arrived in a new city, a new continent, a new coffee shop. You don’t really know where you are, and are looking for a good place to eat. You pull out your laptop, fire up Firefox, and go to your favorite review site. It automatically deduces your location, and serves up some delicious suggestions a couple blocks away and plots directions there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Visual Studio 2010

Microsoft announces Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0, and says the overall development strategy revolves around five pillars. The first pillar involves the Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2010, formerly codenamed “Rosario.”

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This is about your life

Find about your self. Enhance your knowledge about life.

The phrases ‘positive thinking and ‘proactive thinking’ usually

conjure up ideas about economic and financial activity. They are,

however, prone to misunderstanding. From a perspective of the

Buddha’s Doctrine positive and proactive thinking may be

understood as the status of being free from thoughts such as: “I

cannot do this”, “This is difficult for me”, “I do not have the

ability”, “I do not possess sufficient accumulated merit”, “I am too

weak,” and such thoughts that freeze motivation which helps one

achieve realization of the Dhamma.

read more

 First read and think next  we discuss .

Anyone can be a developer

Go beyond the code ,Microsoft new model for development